An object of desire


Sea, modernism, and modernity. Three concepts that define Casa Condeminas, and perfectly explain why it is such an object of desire. The sea inspired its construction, and it has been by its side since the very beginning. Modernism was the style at the beginning of the 20th century in which it was decorated and nowadays it is one of the biggest attractions of Barcelona. And, finally, modernity is visible in all the elements used in the refurbishment of the building. Three concepts that, together, make this building unique.

Casa Condeminas | UNIQ

Modernism was striking in being inspired by nature and its prominent use of natural elements, especially plant-themed motifs and rounded organic shapes. At Casa Condeminas —listed as a Local Cultural Site of Interest— these characteristic features of modernism are strongly present. Starting on the main façade overlooking Passeig de Colom, which has a vertical structure divided into three parts, from the main floor up, divided by stucco pillars imitating ashlar.

The central body rises with a decorated head piece and a large, sculpted panel depicting plants. The open-work stone of the main balcony on the first floor and the central balconies of the second and third floors are especially striking. The remaining railings are made of wrought iron.

Casa Condeminas | UNIQ

The large entrance to the building is in the shape of a low arch, with an especially decorated moulding featuring floral motifs. It is crowned by a large corbel that creates the illusion of supporting the cantilever of the main floor balcony.

Casa Condeminas | UNIQ

At the entrance of the building, you can see many unique modernist elements from 1902. On the right, there is a hall porter’s cabin carved in wood with vivid floral decorations. There are also windows with stained glass in the crown and frosted glass in the main entrance. Upon entering, you can see a striking decorated ceiling framework and the hallway leading to the elevator also retains many decorative elements. Here there is a wooden bench with decorative glass tiles of sunflowers.

Casa Condeminas | UNIQ

The main floor can be accessed via a staircase with stone steps. It has a wrought iron railing including a wrought iron dragon at the bottom of the staircase.

On each floor you can see stained glass windows, Nolla mosaic floors and wooden carvings. The ceilings are embellished with mouldings and floral decorations made of plaster.

Casa Condeminas | UNIQ

There are no original elements left from the initial 1860s building other than the structure of the façade overlooking Carrer de la Mercè.


On the floors of the apartments overlooking Passeig de Colom, with the exception of the toilets, there are beautiful Nolla mosaic tiles that are truly works of art. They are all original pieces that have been restored with great care and craftmanship.

Casa Condeminas